

Visual cohesion, crude, sore and subliminal rock, non-iconic bloody virginity and fragileness embodied in every single picture.

My most sincere tribute to the beauty captured by Alba Yruela

© pictures: Alba Yruela



Gabrielle Chasnel, the must catholic orphan, the singing mademoiselle de cabaret, nicknamed after her missing pussycat, mistress of Balsan, secret love of Capel, french empire, sartorial elegance icon and everlasting shelter of the most creative german queen.

I happened to visit the travelling exhibition "Culture Chanel" today, and I definitely take all comfort in writing this: That uninspiring, absolutely droughty event did not do any bit of justice to the eternal Coco Chanel. Now I don't know if this is the due way to exhibit a legend, but the MOCA Shanghai failed on every possible level to pay tribute to one of the greatest fashion influence of the century. An exhibition deadpan as the stuff they dare to call baguette in this town.

Sorry, no tribute to that one.

© pictures: Nellie Walther



In 1993 Yurie Nagashima photographed herself and her family naked - and received the Parco award for that series. Paradoxically the lack of clothing and the off-limits represented in her pictures were not the most provocative issues but... Ok, I am too baked to go deeper into obscene conversations this week. Give me a break, it's the chinese holidays. (Yurie would have wanted the post written that way.)

A tribute to the family

© pictures by Yurie Nagashima