

Dimanche, le 3 juin 2007: The very first moment the aircoach arrived in that town and as I could instantly see the mountains by which it was surrounded through the window, my ipod was playing "Girl and The Sea" by The Presets.

I discovered Grenoble with this song, and I am leaving Grenoble with the same melody in my head - and a heavy heart as well...

This tribute goes to my dearest friends, the most wonderful persons I have met during the last 3 years in Grenoble. 

Merci pour ces précieux moments que nous avons partagé ensemble:
Soso, Réré, Flora, Mathieu, Silveur, Marion, Jade, Romain, Sab, Fanny, Tchong, Julie, Etienne, Evan, Max, Denis, Melka, Pims, Val, Martin, Antonin, Hugo, Delphine, Chipnou, Koko, Grasse, Simon, Charles, William, Nico, Caro, Sam, Bastard, Guilhelm, Loïc, Mag, Victoria, Théo, Frigo, Audrey, Léo, Astrid, Denis M, Marjo, Kriss, Emilie, Polo, Langlish, Marc, Youri, Céline, Victor, Vo Phoniq. 

Je vous adore, bande de Quechuas! 


2AM Good night song

Outstanding movie, existential screenwriter, haunting soundtrack. First and for most to burn the midnight oil. Or not.

A tribute to sleep - let me get some.


Wouldn't it be much more easier to let someone else take all your crucial decisions? Your whole life consists in shaking the magic 8 ball without relying on the result...

The chinese answer: "Tōngxìngē can't be held captive, you have to let them abscond." I have to go.

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© pictures: Nellie Walther