

Dimanche, le 3 juin 2007: The very first moment the aircoach arrived in that town and as I could instantly see the mountains by which it was surrounded through the window, my ipod was playing "Girl and The Sea" by The Presets.

I discovered Grenoble with this song, and I am leaving Grenoble with the same melody in my head - and a heavy heart as well...

This tribute goes to my dearest friends, the most wonderful persons I have met during the last 3 years in Grenoble. 

Merci pour ces précieux moments que nous avons partagé ensemble:
Soso, Réré, Flora, Mathieu, Silveur, Marion, Jade, Romain, Sab, Fanny, Tchong, Julie, Etienne, Evan, Max, Denis, Melka, Pims, Val, Martin, Antonin, Hugo, Delphine, Chipnou, Koko, Grasse, Simon, Charles, William, Nico, Caro, Sam, Bastard, Guilhelm, Loïc, Mag, Victoria, Théo, Frigo, Audrey, Léo, Astrid, Denis M, Marjo, Kriss, Emilie, Polo, Langlish, Marc, Youri, Céline, Victor, Vo Phoniq. 

Je vous adore, bande de Quechuas! 

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